Sunday, October 2, 2011

Conflict Resolution

Solving problems can sometimes be hard, but it is good to solve them. It takes a lot off your mind and it allows you to think clearly. Some parents argue a lot and I think it is really hard on the kids, especially the littler ones. I hate it when your trying to solve a problem with someone and they ignore you and try to forget that you even had a problem to begin with. I have recently had this happen to me. It makes me really upset that they won't even respond to me, so that we can fix our problem. Sometimes solving problems makes me sad, because I've put all I could out there and then the other person puts no effort what-so-ever in. It crushes my heart and leaves me going to bed with tears. It's so hard on me and I think it stresses me out even worse. Sometimes it leaves me with blank words, kind of like a blank stare, you can't hear or see anything. What do you say to someone that won't try to solve the problem? It seems that I've said almost everything I could think of. When they do this it makes me want to give up more and more. I mean should I wait for, however long it takes them to figure out they need to talk about our problem, or do I just give up and move on. Moving on seems like the simplest choice to choose, but solving problems can always seem to be a pain in your behind.