Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Nice Girls

For guys, a nice girl isn't what he is usually looking for. Yeah he wants someone that is nice to him, but usually all he wants is sex. A nice girl is someone that is nice, smart, treats people with respect, and knows her morals and values in what she wants from in life. She won't want what a bad guy wants. She'll want that perfect nice guy, which are quite often hard to find, because a lot of guys are jerks and want one thing from a girl. It's the thing that is constantly on his mind. No its not cars or food, which they talk about all the time, but it's sex. Sex is always constantly on their minds. Nice girls usually don't want that. They want to wait until they find that perfect, nice man that they will someday marry. For nice girls their life seems as if it has to be a fairy tale. It has to be perfect. Not everything will be perfect, because not everyone is perfect. We all make mistakes in our lives. The "Girl Paradox" doesn't seem real to me, because a nice girl can be smart, pretty, annoying, not pretty, can be an idiot, and can date jerks. I think this is just what people think. It's how the movies show how different girls look and act. I don't think this is true, because there are so many nice girls that have a lot of these different characteristics, and there are also smart and good looking girls that have a lot of these characteristics too. I don't believe people should categorize girls, because they don't know the girl from the inside. "Beauty isn't what's on the outside, it's what's on the inside that counts."