Friday, October 7, 2011


Violence is a major issue between many people, and it needs to stop. When I think violence occurs i usually think of abuse between a relationship. Many couples deal with the stress of violence. It is very saddening and it makes me want to hurt the person who hurt their girlfriend or boyfriend. Many times violence occurs when under the influence of alcohol and drugs. It is very sad what alcohol and drugs can do someone to make them do such horrid things. Sometimes violence doesnt occur with alcohol and drugs, it's just how the person is. Sometimes they like the feeling of hurting someone. I don't understand how anyone could like hurting someone, because it's just so abnormal. I can't stand when I hurt someone, it kills me inside. I can't live with the feeling that I hurt someone. I wish there wasn't violence, because our world would be such a better place to live in. If people only knew what it does to the person they hurt, maybe they would change, but no, they don't because they like the feeling of it. Many other words such as abuse, sexual abuse, killing, kidnapping, guns, bullying, beating, rape, and many other words mentioned in the picture above are the kinds of violence that occur. There are so many things that people do, and it hurts. It hurts me knowing that there are others out there that this is happening to them, and their hurting. It kills me that I can't do anything to help. If only our world was peaceful, and there was no violence. I think we would be better off without violence. Violence doesn't help, it's not the solution; it's the problem!