Saturday, September 24, 2011


Divorce is a major thing in the United States today. A lot of couples today are getting divorced because either they got in a hurry to get married and weren't ready for the commitment or they were young and in love and then fell out of love. I know what it is like to have your family go through the crisis of a divorce. It is every single emotion put together; happy, sad, angry, and many others. My parents got divorced when I was in the 5th Grade. It was devastating. I would cry myself to sleep many of those nights. I was young and didn't realize what all was going on. I would lay in my bed, just hoping that they would some day get back together, but when Andrew, my mom's boyfriend, and Stacy, my dad's wife/my step mom, I knew for sure there was no going back to the older days. It was very hard to get used to this new life that was now taking place. I had problems liking my new step mom, because it was so different and I didn't like the fact of having a step mom. She wasn't my mom, she didn't give birth to me, so why? I soon became totally fine with it and we get along so great. I also had trouble with Andrew because he wasn't my dad, but I soon got over that. Andrew and Stacy are like my second parents, they are always here for me and they are always there for me when the other parent may not be. It took me awhile to get used to this, but I love them and they are just a part of my family as my mom and dad are. I think divorce has its happy moments and its sad moments. Divorce can be a happy time for those that have been abused and for the upcoming, great days of joy with your new member in the family. Divorce can be sad for the kids that miss mom or dad like crazy. I never really liked talking about divorce because it was so hard to deal with, but when Amanda had the same problems later on, I think it helped us both out. It helped us out because we knew that we had at least one person that we could talk to it about besides our parents.