Wednesday, October 12, 2011


Education is very important for childern and teens to be involved in. It helps them get ready for college and pick their career that they plan to go on to do. If kids don't get education they won't have a future. They need education so that they can have a great future. Many kids that don't go to school often don't have a good job. They are the ones that are stuck taking money in Walmart. They will never have a good job, because they don't have the diploma and they don't have the proper education that is needed. I think many that don't get education realize how hard life is without a proper job, but some people may want that job in Walmart, because they like doing stuff like that. I feel bad for the people that haven't had education or they drop out, because they don't know what they're missing out on. Education is really important and I believe everyone needs to have education, because not only will they get a good job, but they won't regret it. They will have a better life knowing they did the best that they could. I think everyone has the chance to get a good job, just look at Mr. Cohen who worked really hard, because he knew he could do it and he knew he was going to be a teacher. I admire him and all others that get past their disease and work hard to not let the disease when and make you lose what you want out of life. I think it is amazing what people can do when they know they want it. You can do anything you set your mind out to do. You just have to believe in yourself and know that you can do it, because you can, you just have to believe it. Life may be hard, but you can do anything you set your mind to.