Thursday, October 20, 2011

Bad Guys

Bad guys are mean. All they want from girls is one thing, which is sex. I hate that this all that guys want from a girl. Just to get in her pants, tell the guys, and be all macho about it. I hate when guys are like this. Too bad not every guy could be like Landon Carter in A Walk to Remember. He is a sweet guy who knows how to treat a girl. Yeah, all boys think about is sex, but sometimes its the girls that are the ones that get these bad boys way out of control. Just by what a girl wears can make some of those "good guys" go bad. It is really sad with what guys want from girls. I wish everything could be perfect, like a fairy tale, but for some reason I know that will never happen. If every guy was a sweet guy and treated girls right I believe it would be a wonderful world, but the world isn't that way. You can wish for something, and maybe it will come true, but with this wish it is more than likely it won't come true. I really wish we could change the way we act, especially some of the teenagers and adults that think it is okay. I don't think this behavior is okay, it's sick, gross, and wrong on too many levels. Some girls think they can change their guy, but they can't, and they will soon realize this. Guys can't be changed, they have to be the change they make themselves. They have to change themselves on their own, it is the only way they could possibly change. Whenever you think oh he won't want that from me, don't be so positive about it. Always assume that they may just want to get in your pants! Never doubt it, because in a man's mind all they think about is, "Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. I think I'm hungry. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. I forgot my book. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Cool car! Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex."