Friday, December 2, 2011


Manners are very important for someone to have. I think manners are very important because when people aren't using their manners it comes off as they don't care about things and that they think they're on top of the world. I can't stand people who think they are really all that. It gets annoying and to be honest, they're not all that. Just because they think they are doesn't mean they actually are, and sometimes they may just be a mean, cold-hearted person. By saying please, thank you, you're welcome, and excuse me shows others how you respect them and care about things. Manners are something everyone should have, and I believe that manners should be started in the home with the parents teaching the kids. If there are parents or others around and they use manners the kid usually picks the manners up a little faster. If the parents and others around don't use manners, more than likely the kids won't have very good manners. Manners are very, very important!