Monday, December 12, 2011


Housekeeping is a good thing to keep up with, because you don't want your house looking like a tornado went through it, or like a pig-sty. I know when things get stressful sometimes we don't always keep up with the cleaning. I know there is a lot going on for many people, and they have a lot to worry about. Life isn't always perfect. No one is perfect, and I hate how some people think their so perfect, or when they complain how bad life is for them. There are so many other people that have life way worse off them, I mean look at the people in Africa, that are taking all they got, and working hard, even though they may not be there the next day due to a disease or other problems. For them, housekeeping is hard, because they don't have the best of homes. It makes me sad seeing what they go through. It makes me want to do something for others that have it way worse off than me.
Housekeepers at hotels have to take care of the hotel room, and keep them clean for the next person that uses them. Some hotels don't keep the rooms as clean as they should be, and it disgusts me, because people are paying big money for disgusting rooms. I don't really like staying in hotels, because of all the disgusting things that may not be clean. I think they should have it at least decent for their customers that are paying big bucks for their room.