Tuesday, December 13, 2011


Christmas is a time for fun and a time for forgiveness and happiness. Christmas is when we have many great foods and deserts. A lot of us gorge on all these delicious foods. Especially me! I love all the good foods, even though I shouldn't eat as much as I do. Some people have problems with Christmas, because of the religious views of it. I don't think it is a bad thing to show that we care about all of it, and that we show what we believe. Maybe it may just change someones habits and make them want to be a better person. There are many things I learned at youth group that I have never heard of about Christmas. I had no idea that the original candy cane had meaning behind it. The candy cane is shaped like a J for Jesus, and it also looks like a sheperd's staff. It also has the white stripe which symbolizes the purity. The thick red stripe is for Jesus's blood, and the three little ones are for the trinity, and also the thrashing and beating he took for our lives. Another thing I also learned was that the Christmas tree points toward heaven. I thought these were really cool things that I learned at youth group, because I've never heard of it before. (I don't mean to offend anyone if they believe differently. This is just what I believe, and what I have been told. If you have a different belief that is fine, I don't judge and I don't care what you believe if it's different than my belief. That's your belief, not mine.) Religions can really get in the way of friendships or relationships, which is really sad, because everyone thinks they are right. I just like to think that we are all right, and that we will be accepted with what we believe in. Christmas isn't about fighting, it should be about renewing our sins, and spreading the Christmas cheer. Merry Christmas!

(Again, I don't mean to offend anyone. It's just what I believe in.)