Thursday, September 8, 2011

Electronic Communication

Electric communication has drastically changed lately. There are many different technologies now that our generation is using now, such as Facebook, Twitter, Skype, and cell phones. All of these are used by a lot of our generation. It seems as if they are that person's whole life and that they can't live without some of these technologies. They are constantly on them 24/7 and its like there whole world in their hands. It is sad with how we are becoming more reliant with electronic communications instead of having a face to face communication. I believe a lot of this electronic communication has gotten out of hand. People are using this as their main resource, and either on Facebook all day, texting constantly on their phone and not thinking anything of how far away from life that it is taking them. By doing this it is making them feel like they are in their own little world. Communication has changed so much from back in the older days. It will continue to change and I'm afraid that it will change drastically that they won't know how to communicate in the future because it will get so out of hand. Texting has gotten really out of hand because kids in school are on their phones a lot and they get to caught up in their texting world that they don't care. They get so attached to this little tiny thing and it's causing major problems in kids. Kids now a days are asking for cell phones because their friends have one, and most of these kids are in elementary. It is crazy and kids think that their phones are their whole life and they get caught up with their phones and they forget what being a kid is all about.