Saturday, September 17, 2011


For many couples, marriage is a major deal for them. It's when they say their vows and promise to be there for each other no matter what. It's when they say those big words, "I do." Weddings are always fun to go to and watch, because they are so cute. It is really a joyful day for them. Every girl dreams of this day, with the perfect husband and that gorgeous dress that was made especially for them. I know I have always dreamed of the day I get married because it will be a very special day. I don't plan on it anytime soon, but just the thought makes it seem like a fairytale. I think it is really sad for the women that just get married because they got knocked up, but then again it was their fault. These women won't ever find their prince charming and they will get stuck with this guy. Its sad that some just marry the other just because he is the father of her child. It is a good thing that they are staying together as parents, but sometimes it could lead to a divorce. I think all these teenage girls that are getting pregnant are thinking they can handle the world, but it's sad when they actually realize it's so much harder than they thought. Some couples really are that "meant to be" couple and will eventually get married and have a great life. Isn't this what all of us hope for, this great life. Everyone dreams of having everything perfect, but not all the time will everything be perfect. That's just how life is. You have your ups and downs. I like the song "God Gave Me You" by Dave Barnes because in the lyrics it says "God gave me you for the ups and downs. God gave me you for the days of doubt. For when I think I've lost my way. There are no words here left to say, it's true. God gave me you." This song has a lot of meaning to it. I think of married couples when this song plays, because God gave you someone to help you make it through your ups and downs. He gave you someone to help you for your days of doubt. God gave you that special person to spend your life with and to love. God gave you them.