Monday, March 26, 2012

Life Goals

Everyone has life goals, even myself. Some people have goals of wanting to get into college and get a nice job, while others have a life goal of becoming a famous singer. One life goal that is important to me is to do well in school, and in college. I know that college is going to be tough, especially with the class load that I will have, but I just need to push myself to get through it. Becoming a pharmacist is my next important life goal. I have always wanted to become a pharmacist. My Great Grandpa Ben, and my Great Uncle were/are pharmacists. My Great Grandpa Ben was a real inspiration for me. He was my role model, and he was the one that made me want to become a pharmacist. My great grandpa was a kind man, and he helped many people out. My great grandpa also made medicine into suckers for children that couldn’t swallow. Ever since I was little I wanted to become a pharmacist, because I saw what he did, and it made me want to do what he did. My great grandpa died when I was 10 to 12 years old, and I had wanted to do what he did even before he had died. I recently discovered that I really want to become a Pediatric Pharmacist. It just makes sense to me, because my great grandpa did many things for children. My last important life goal is to start a family. I want to get married someday after I get myself steady after college, and then I want to start a family with my husband.