Wednesday, February 29, 2012

To live with a friend or someone assigned by college?

Whether you have a friend as your roommate in college or whether you have a random roommate selected for you can be both good or bad. Living with one of your friends would be good, because you would know at least someone that you're close to. Sometimes it is good to have someone that you trust living with you, because you won't have to worry about trust issues. Sometimes living with a friend can be really stressful and friends that live together at college sometimes get annoyed or mad at their friend. This would be bad, because if this person is your best friend, and the one that you can trust, it could ruin everything. When living with an assigned roommate you may not like them because they may be weird or annoying. Sometimes they may just take what is yours and use it and not even ask. At other times you may not get along, and may have different feelings about things, which could result in problems. Sometimes it could be a good thing to live with an assigned roommate, because most college students have said that if you live with your best friend that sometimes you fight and lose your friendship. Having an assigned roommate will help you not lose your best friend, but also could become another best friend.