Wednesday, February 29, 2012

To live with a friend or someone assigned by college?

Whether you have a friend as your roommate in college or whether you have a random roommate selected for you can be both good or bad. Living with one of your friends would be good, because you would know at least someone that you're close to. Sometimes it is good to have someone that you trust living with you, because you won't have to worry about trust issues. Sometimes living with a friend can be really stressful and friends that live together at college sometimes get annoyed or mad at their friend. This would be bad, because if this person is your best friend, and the one that you can trust, it could ruin everything. When living with an assigned roommate you may not like them because they may be weird or annoying. Sometimes they may just take what is yours and use it and not even ask. At other times you may not get along, and may have different feelings about things, which could result in problems. Sometimes it could be a good thing to live with an assigned roommate, because most college students have said that if you live with your best friend that sometimes you fight and lose your friendship. Having an assigned roommate will help you not lose your best friend, but also could become another best friend.

Friday, February 24, 2012

To Live on Campus or off Campus?

Deciding whether to live on campus or off campus can sometimes be a hard decision to make. Dorms can be expensive, but renting an apartment can be even more expensive. Some students may have to pay from $100 to $400 a month, and that can really take a tole on a student when they have to pay for everything else. Finding an apartment somewhere close to the college may also be hard if you're trying to find one close. Some colleges want you to stay at the dorms at your first year there. I think staying at the dorm your first year makes you more aware of your surroundings and makes it a little easier. I think it also helps you get used to meeting new people. Money is a big problem for many college students, so I know it can be really stressful for many college students.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

4 Year College or 2 Year College?

Choosing a college to go to can sometimes be hard, but in deciding whether you want to go to a 4 year college or a 2 year college can be taken from a totally different perspective. Depending on the field of study you want to go in will also decide on how many years you will be going to college. This can affect whether someone decides on a 4 year college or a 2 year college. Northeast Community College (NECC) is a 2 year college, and the University of Nebraska at Kearney (UNK) is a 4 year college. Since I am planning on becoming a pharmacist I am going to have a lot of years on my belt. So starting at a 4 year college would be best, because I have to have 3-4 years before I move on to the University of Nebraska Medical Center (UNMC). I plan on going to UNK and then to UNMC afterwards in becoming a pharmacist.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Credit or Debit?

Debit and Credit cards can be both useful and dangerous. With both you have to be careful with how much you spend. Debit cards you have to keep putting money back into your account and credit you have to pay back the money. Both can be very dangerous as you can get into a lot of trouble with having to pay back money. Debit cards and credit cards can also be useful by not having to pay exact change, and it can make things easier to just swipe your card and go. Some people may have problems and they will keep doing this because it is easy, but in the long run they will be up a crick without a paddle!

Friday, February 10, 2012

Cash or Credit

Cash or Credit? There are many possibilities and pros and cons of either cash or credit. By using cash you can use exact change and you can know how much money you have. If you run out of cash you wouldn't have to worry about going into debt, and having to pay off money. Sometimes cash can be a pain, because you have to worry about keeping the money in a safe spot, and sometimes all of that change can add up, and you could have a million pennies from getting cash back. Credit cards can have its ups and its downs. By using credit cards it can be easier to just pull out your card, instead of trying to find exact change. Sometimes using credit cards can be bad, because if you spend money that you don't have in your account you get docked, and you have to spend more money to pay that back.