Friday, November 11, 2011

Breaking Up

Breaking up is a hard thing for many people. For some, their hearts get shattered. It happens. For some people it is hard for them to get over the fact that all the good things that were in their life are now gone, but for others it is a start of a new life, and to start over again. So, why is it that so many people put so much into a relationship when they get into one. They never know if it will last until that diamond ring is on their finger, and yet sometimes after they have the ring, their relationship doesn't last. People put to much faith into a relationship, thinking that it will last forever, and they put their whole life into it. Why, though? Why waste your time putting in so much effort in when it may not even last, and you'll have to start over again. It seems if many people want to get their heart broken, because they put everything into their whole relationships. I don't understand how people put in everything when their only going to get a broken heart in return. It seems pointless. I think people need to stop thinking it will last forever until they know it will last. They need to stop putting their selves in the spot of getting hurt, and realize how important relationships really are.