Wednesday, November 23, 2011


Thanksgiving is a time where you and your family get together and have a great time together. They usually have a good time together and eat lots of food, like turkey, stuffing, potatoes, pies, and many other delicious food. During Thanksgiving I usually go down to my Grandma and Grandpa's on my mom's side of the family and have a big get together. We usually have all of these really great tasting meals. It is a day where many people are waiting to feast on the great food that is made. It is a day where the family can get together, and have a great time. I know I always have a great time with my family. Thanksgiving is always a fun time, and many people also go Black Friday shopping, which can be fun and dangerous at the same time. Some people can get very crazy at this time, because of all the great deals on items and Christmas presents. I've gone Black Friday a couple times, and I know it gets very crazy. It is kinda scary, and I honestly don't like going, because some people are ridiculously crazy!

Friday, November 18, 2011

Living Together

Couples living together for the first time can be both an enjoyable and terrifying experience. Most couples like the fact of moving in together and living together, but for some they have problems and may start fighting. They could fight over the simplest thing like how long the girl is in the bathroom, how the toilet paper is placed, what time they want to get up, colors of the walls, and many more little problems. Some couples also enjoy being together, because they get to do everything with the other person, and they also get to cook together, and starting a family. Some couples will like to get out and hang out with friends, while others just like to stay and have time to their selves. It just depends on how they feel about things and what they want to do. Couples can have fun living together and start a new family.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Breaking Up

Breaking up is a hard thing for many people. For some, their hearts get shattered. It happens. For some people it is hard for them to get over the fact that all the good things that were in their life are now gone, but for others it is a start of a new life, and to start over again. So, why is it that so many people put so much into a relationship when they get into one. They never know if it will last until that diamond ring is on their finger, and yet sometimes after they have the ring, their relationship doesn't last. People put to much faith into a relationship, thinking that it will last forever, and they put their whole life into it. Why, though? Why waste your time putting in so much effort in when it may not even last, and you'll have to start over again. It seems if many people want to get their heart broken, because they put everything into their whole relationships. I don't understand how people put in everything when their only going to get a broken heart in return. It seems pointless. I think people need to stop thinking it will last forever until they know it will last. They need to stop putting their selves in the spot of getting hurt, and realize how important relationships really are.

Friday, November 4, 2011


Halloween is always considered one of those nights to have fun. It is when the little ones go around and say trick or treat, and get candy. It is when they get to dress up in bazaar costumes. I always remember going out on Halloween, it was always a very fun night, but once you get a certain age you don't care anymore and you think it is lame for a couple of years. Then when you get a little older you like to have fun and do stuff like that again, because you miss your childhood. When you get older and you look for costumes they all are revealing and were made out of a man's perspective. They are all made for that perfectly shaped woman, not for a bigger girl. I think it's sad that that's all that men think about. A long time ago people would celebrate Halloween by doing rituals and make sacrifices for their loved ones that were dead. This was unsafe, because they brought in evil spirits that could lead to possession. I think to say that this is scary. Who would want to be possessed? I find it really scary that back then people would put razor blades in apples to try and hurt the little kids trick or treating. Parents really had to be cautious and make sure there wasn't anything dangerous in their kid's candy.